Annals of Saudi Medicine
Publication of the King Faisal Specialist Hospital and Research Centre, Riyadh, Saudi Arabia
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The quality of a journal depends on the quality of articles published, which in turn depends upon the quality of refereeing process. Not only the quality in terms of the content, but also the quality in terms of providing early and fast reply to authors and the period from the receipt of an article to its publication depends on the referees. To say in minimum words, referees are the backbone of any peer-reviewed journal. 'World rely on journals and journals rely on referees' - such is the importance of a referee.
We are fortunate to have the services of following experts for our review process.

A   B   C   D   E   F   G   H   I   J   K   L   M   N   O   P   Q   R   S   T   U   V   W   X   Y   Z 
Referee Name Specialty
Dr. B Goh Surgery
Dr. B Khwannimit Critical Care
Dr. B Moran colorectal surgery
Dr. B Nagoba Microbiology
Dr. B Otaigbe Pediatrics
Dr. B Taner liver transplantation
Dr. Basim Abu-Rafea Reproductive Endocrinology & Infertility
Dr. bachar afandi Endocrinology
Dr. Bahauddin Sallout Obstetrics
Dr. Bahaa Fadel Cardiology
Dr. Bakr Bin Sadiq Epidemiology
Dr. Bandar Al-Ghamdi Cardiology
Dr. Bander Alsaud Allergy and immunology
Dr. Bisher Al-Shanawani Plastic Surgery
Dr. Esam Al Banyan
Dr. Baofeng Yang Pharmacology
Dr. Barbara Bain Hematology
Dr. Bassam Bin Abbas Endocrinology
Dr. Shouki Bazarbashi Medical Oncology
Dr. Berfu Demir Obstetrics
Dr. Bj Dezube Oncology Medical
Dr. Bruce Dunn Cardiology
Dr. Bassim Al-Beirouti Hematology
Dr. Bernice Adegbehingbe Infectious Diseases
Dr. Behrouz Ezatpour Epidemiology
Dr. Belahsen Faouzi Neurology
Dr. Boutayeb Fawzi Traumatology
Dr. Barbara Grooms Pathology
Dr. Bashar Horanieh Pharmacology
Dr. Bashir Jarrar Hematology
Dr. Basha Khan Pulmonary Medicine
Dr. Bagher Larijani Endocrinology
Dr. Brian Lewis Adolescent Medicine
Dr. Bengt Lofgren Anesthesiology
Dr. Bruno Masala Hematology
Dr. Brian Meyer Molecular Genetics
Dr. BN Premachandra Endocrinology
Dr. Bulent Ozdal Gynecology
Dr. Bimal Parameswaran Radiology
Dr. Bassel Safi Surgery
Dr. Brian Charles Sharpe Family Practice
Dr. Bent Stigsby Neurology
Dr. G Bump Medicine
Dr. Bernd Wittmann Obstetrics
Dr. Bulent Yalcin Clinical Medicine
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